Do you have crooked or crowded teeth which you would like fixed but do not want to wear traditional orthodontic braces? Inman Aligners are not only effective at moving your teeth but the treatment time is relatively short compared to your other orthodontic options. Furthermore, most people only wear the appliance after work hours and while they sleep.

Inman Aligners in Rochester, MI

How Do Inman Aligners Work?

The Inman Aligner uses powerful springs to pull together two aligner bows, exerting pressure on your teeth from the back and the front. The Inman Aligner’s main advantage is its speed. If you wear the Inman Aligner about 16-20 hours a day, you may be able to have your orthodontic treatment complete in 6-18 weeks, compared to a year or more for most orthodontic treatments. If you would like to learn more about Inman Aligners or set up a consultation, please call us at (248) 656-2020 or e-mail us today at Rochester Advanced Dentistry.